Greetings! My name is Jacob Wylie and I am a native of Greer, South Carolina. I am a candidate for the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Composition at the University of South Carolina. I teach music t... heory, composition, and music history.
My musical journey started at age 12 when I began drum set lessons. Since then, I have been trained professionally as a percussionist, composer, and theorist. I graduated from Furman University with my Bachelor Degree in Percussion Performance and Composition. In 2018, I graduated with my Master of Music Degree in Composition from the University of South Carolina. I have performed with many different ensembles (wind band, orchestra, jazz band, percussion ensemble, chamber groups, etc.) and have written a variety of works ranging from tonal choral pieces to improvised- and electronic-based experiments.
Aside from music, teaching is another one of my passions. Nothing is more fulfilling than seeing students grow and thrive in the arts and in other aspects of their lives. I believe that a holistic approach to music learning, in addition to an example-based model, is most beneficial for students of all ages and diverse learning styles. Music does not need to be a subject that is difficult to understand. I aim to make composition, history, and theory transparent, easy to understand, and fun!
In addition to music, I also love visual art, science, watching sports (NBA/NHL) and spending time with my three cats Cecil, Pipi, and Ollie.read more
University of South Carolina
Doctor of Musical Arts (A.B.D.), Composition
2018 - 2024
University of South Carolina
Master of Music, Composition
2016 - 2018
Furman University
Bachelor of Music, Percussion Performance and Composition
2012 - 2016
Adjunct Instructor of Music
University of South Carolina - Upstate
Aug 2023 - present
• Organization of asynchronous, online courses including:
▪ Curating of class readings
▪ Initiation ... of interactive, discussion thread activities
▪ Use of custom lecture-podcasts videos
▪ Assessment of student progress including weekly quizzes, bi-semester exams, and a final research paperread more
Teaching Assistant (Music Theory & Aural Skills)
University of South Carolina
Aug 2018 - May 2021
• Development of unique, innovative curricula and classroom techniques
(including the use of popular... genres to teach fundamentals of music)
• Adaptation of online/virtual (synchronous and asynchronous) learning media
and teaching techniques
• Quiz/test design and administration
• Lesson plan preparation and development
• Grading and assessment
• Classroom discussion facilitator
• Passion for students, pedagogy, and the art of musicread more
Senior Sales Associate
Music & Arts (Guitar Center)
Jun 2018 - Oct 2020
• Customer services
• Private lesson coordinator
• Rental instrument contractor
• Print music organi... zation
• Merchandising, pricing, and stocking
• Minor instrument repairsread more
Graduate Assistant (Southern Exposure New Music Series)
University of South Carolina
Aug 2016 - May 2018
• Assist with organization, coordination, marketing, and production of new music concerts
featuring ... the world’s premiere artists and ensembles
▪ FretX – guitar duo
▪ Imani Winds – woodwind quintet
▪ SaVaSa Trio – brass trio (members from Ensemble Modern)
▪ Third Coast Percussion – percussion quartet
▪ Invoke – bowed and plucked string quartet
▪ Vicky Chow – pianist (Bang on a Can)
▪ Duo Cortona – violin and mezzo-soprano duo
▪ Yarn/Wire – two pianist, two percussionistsread more