Judith Patton

Need help ? I am your tutor.

Online Reading tutor

Hanford, CA

Reading expertise

I have been teaching reading for 30 years and find that students sometimes struggle to understand what they read. I can help a student learn to read by understanding how they read. Sometimes schools h...

Teaching preferences

Academic level

College, High School, Middle School, Elementary School


I live in central California and have taught in the same middle school for 30 years before I retired. I have three college degrees. A BS in child development, MA in school counseling, and a PhD in edu...


Capella university

PhD , Education

2000 - 2004

California State University Fresno

MS, School counselor

1986 - 1988

California state university Fresno

BS, Child development

1975 - 1978


Classroom teacher

Armona School District

Aug 1986 - May 2008

Full time classroom teacher

1 lesson

60 min


10 lessons

60 min each


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