I live in central California and have taught in the same middle school for 30 years before I retired. I have three college degrees. A BS in child development, MA in school counseling, and a PhD in edu... cation. I was more or less a late bloomer since I didn’t go back to college until I was 25. I had spent 5 years in Germany before going back to school. I received my teaching credentials in education and have a lifetime credential.
Not only have I taught grades 4,5,6,and 8. But have taught college classes in child development, basic psychology, parenting, children’s art and storytelling. In the last several years I have been subbing in local schools from elementary grades and high schools.
I love teaching and my basic philosophy in education is that all students have abilities to learn. There are 9 different intelligence levels and all people have one or more of these attributes. As a teacher I see it as my job to find the best way to help a person learn. Sometimes students have a tape in their head that keeps them from learning. I understand how this feels since, as a student, I feared tests and had to teach myself how to take tests so I could meet my goals. I try to help students find ways to go around the roadblocks in their way. I find in tutoring that the one to one experience can help a student find their best path forward. I may introduce them to another way to learn or think.
One of my favorite things is to travel. I have been to 16 countries and 48 states. When I travel I go to historic places and museums. I also try to experience things that are from the past. I went on a steam train in England, and a sloop in Monterey Bay and helped pull up the ropes. I also read books about history and biographies about people from history.read more