Jack Davis

Experienced, patient tutor will help you succeed

Online Algebra 1 and 2 tutor

Carlsbad, CA

Algebra 1 and 2 expertise

I have over 5 years of experience tutoring algebra.

Teaching preferences

Academic level

College, High School, Middle School, Elementary School


Hi, I am a graduate of the University of Florida (Go Gators) who now lives in San Diego. I have been a tutor for over 7 years. I have tutored students of all ages on subjects as from basic math to A...


University of Florida

Bachelor of Science, economics,international relations

1991 - 1995




Jan 2014 - present

Tutoring numerous subjects to students of all ages; subjects include accounting, statistics, economi...


Unlimited Learning

Sep 2019 - present

tutor numerous subjects, including statistics, economics, accounting, and chemistry


Grade Potential

Sep 2022 - present

Numerous subjects, including stats, algebra, creative writing, and geology.

Usually responds in 2 days

1 lesson

60 min


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