My name is Gabriel Tackett. I am currently attending college at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, Arkansas. My hobbies include playing video games, watching television, and listening to music.... I am incredibly passionate about storytelling, including stories of all kinds. Typically, I find myself engrossed in fiction stories in the fantasy, science fiction, and horror genres.
Tutoring is the first step for me in reinforcing my decision to pursue my English Education degree. I do it both for the benefit of the students I teach, as well as myself as a student. My philosophy when it comes to tutoring is adaptability. Every student starts somewhere different and needs different tools to succeed. Finding what it is that most benefits a student during the learning process is the first step to successful learning. That's what I hope to accomplish during my sessions with my students. I don't just want to teach my students English. I want to prepare them for learning English in the future.read more