Hello! I am Dr. Audrey. I love working with students of all ages; it is so exciting to see students become more confident in their work and in themselves. My former students say that their classes wit... h me were rigorous, but fun. They also say that I'm very friendly and approachable! If you need help in your high school or college English classes, are currently applying to college, or want to hone your creative writing abilities, please don't hesitate to reach out!read more
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow
The Pennsylvania State University
Aug 2023 - present
Instructor of record for a variety of classes, including Writing for the Social Sciences, Sexuality ... and Modern Visual Culture, and Representing Women and Gender in Literature, Art, and Popular Cultures
Assisted students in mapping a pathway to their ideal future career, including the steps they have already taken at college, the classes, organizations, and internship opportunities they might still avail themselves to, and the steps they will need to take beyond graduation
Allowed students to expand core competencies such as critical thinking, problem solving, research skills, communication, and collaboration through art-making and creative playread more
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Aug 2016 - Aug 2023
Instructor of record for a variety of classes, including Rhetoric and Composition, Honors Compositio... n, Writing for the Social Sciences, Introduction to Creative Writing, and The Arthurian Legend
Advised students on ethical research practices, including citational practices, experiment design, and data collection
Facilitated discussions on race, gender, and grief that encouraged students to become more aware and more empathetic global citizens
Designed in-person and online classes and made critical interventions for struggling studentsread more
Graduate Research Assistant
The Pennsylvania State University
Aug 2017 - May 2023
Assisted faculty in the English department with research, proofing, and editing for book projects
Co... ntributed to research related to expanding student opportunities within the English department and ensuring that Penn State’s offerings remain competitive with peer institutionsread more
Writing Tutorial Coordinator
The Pennsylvania State University
Aug 2020 - May 2022
Served as English Department enroller
Matched undergraduates with English 5 tutors who could best su... pport their goals
Directly supervised tutors and worked with advisors and instructors to facilitate student learning
Provided direct technical, logistical, and writing support to studentsread more
Instructor of English
Quincy University
Aug 2020 - May 2021
Instructor of record for first-year writing classes
Introduced students to the fundamentals of colle... ge writing
Empowered students to see themselves as agents of change by encouraging them to collaborate with community members to solve a problem in Quincy, Illinoisread more
Director and Founder
Sounding Fire
Jan 2019 - Dec 2021
Administered a correspondence-based creative writing mentorship program pairing individuals experien... cing incarceration in the United States with established poets and writers
Partnered with justice-oriented organizations including The Beat Within, Black & Pink, and the Tulsa Arts Foundation to provide mentees networking, community-building, and publication opportunities
Provided pedagogical support and training to creative writing mentorsread more
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Purdue University
Aug 2013 - May 2016
Instructor of record for First-Year Composition and Introduction to Creative Writing
Familiarized st... udents with technology and the possibilities of multi-modal composing
Exposed students the basics of critical and creative writing, with an emphasis on craftread more