My name is Divya Keshamoni. I am from India and currently a resident of Fortwayne, Indiana. Two of my greatest passions in life are cooking and teaching. These seemingly disparate interests have playe... d a profound role in shaping who I am today. I've had the privilege of being an educator for over a decade, and it's a role that I cherish deeply. I hold three Master's degrees in diverse fields: Physics, Statistics, and Interdisciplinary Studies. These academic pursuits reflect my insatiable curiosity and the belief that knowledge knows no boundaries. With each degree, I've gained a deeper understanding of the world around me and the intricacies of different disciplines.
Teaching, for me, is not just a profession; it's a vocation that allows me to make a positive impact on the lives of others. What I love about tutoring is the opportunity to be a guide on the journey of knowledge. Teaching is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor; it's about recognizing that each student is unique. My tutoring philosophy centers on the belief in active learning strategies and personalized instruction. I understand that every student has their own learning style, strengths, and areas that require improvement. My tutoring philosophy revolves around active learning, personalized instruction, and the recognition of each student's unique journey. What makes me "me" as an educator is the unwavering commitment to inspiring a love for learning, fostering critical thinking, and nurturing the innate curiosity that resides within us all.read more
Texas Tech University
Master's Degree, Interdisciplinary Studies
2013 - 2015
Texas Tech University
Master's Degree, Statistics
2010 - 2012
Bits Pilani, India
Dual Degree, Physics and Electronics and Instrumentation
2003 - 2008