Hello, my name is Daniel and I am from Ecuador. I am an archaeologist and I am currently pursuing my master's degree at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) thanks to a scholarship I won. I have been tut... oring various subjects associated with mathematics, physics and chemistry for more than six years. Having had this experience allows me to communicate better with the students of the subject in which I am a teaching assistant, which fills me with satisfaction.
My goal is to develop biological parameters for the ancient populations of the Andean region, in order to obtain more accurate metric approximations. I like to dance and sing, ride my bicycle, but most of all to travel and get to know new places and learn about the culture of the people who live in those places.read more
Florida Atlantic University
M.A. in Anthropologist, Anthropologist - Bioanthropologist
2022 - 2024
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
Lic. Archaeologist, Archaeologist - Bioanthropology
2017 - 2021
Teaching Assitant
Florida Atlantic University
Aug 2022 - present
Teaching assistant in the subject of Culture and Society dictated by Professor Valentina Martínez. Q... ualify the academic works, and tasks of the students, and prepare slides for reviews and give advice to students who request it.read more
Archaeologist – Research Assistant
Proyecto Arqueológico (P.A.A.M.E.) - University of Yale
Jun 2022 - Aug 2022
Research assistant for the project that is part of the doctoral thesis of the archaeologist Estanisl... ao
Pazmiño, in the South of Ecuador (Loja, Ecuador). Understand the social and cultural relations of the pre-Columbian societies that inhabited the
the southern zone of Ecuador during the formative period. Prepared the charcoal samples for radiocarbon analysis.read more
Archaeologist – Consultant
Cultural department of cantón La Troncal
Dec 2021 - May 2022
Carried out the Cultural Property Management Plan of La Troncal, Ecuador. Held the position of a pri... ncipal archaeologist in the preparation of the diagnostic report of the existing heritage assets in La Troncal for the development of phases II and III of the consultancies. Carried out required me to learn more about the existing regulations and laws for the management of cultural property at the national and local levels.read more
Archaeologist – Research Assistant
Gender and Power Project - Florida Atlantic University
Mar 2022 - May 2022
Obtaining variables and metric values from the morphological characteristics of anthropomorphic piec... es associated with the Manteño culture. Creation of a database with the breakdown of each characteristic according to its location in the piece.read more
Archaeologist – Researcher
Conference: Cranial modifications. A trendy fashion during pre-Columbian times
Mar 2022 - Apr 2022
Conference at the Anthropological and Contemporary Art Museum (MAAC) about the results of
the resear... ch made on cranial modifications in the pre-Columbian osteological collections of the
Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana – Núcleo del Guayas, Archaeological Reserve of the MAAC,
ESPOL and the Salango Museum Research Center (CIMS).read more
Archaeologist – Researcher
Cranial Modification in the coast of Ecuador - Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Núcleo del Guayas
Mar 2021 - Dec 2021
• Reviewed the osteological collection from the excavations carried out by Dr. Carlos Zevallos Menén... dez during the 1950s and 1960s. • Carried out the analysis of a sample of more than 100 individuals to determine the presence of skulls intentionally modified during the Formative and Integration period, whose result was the presence of three types of deformations according to the classification of Imbelloni and Munizaga. • Results were presented in the exhibition entitled "Paleopathologies and Cranial Modifications: Evidence in the Peninsula of Santa Elena during the Formative and Integration periods".read more