Hi I’m Dania! Each day I try to get closer to being a more present and wholehearted person. There is no better way to do this, in my experience, than learning. And I don’t just mean the knowledge itse... lf, which is of apparent value, but the process itself. For big things that alter your paradigms, you must humble yourself and the grasp on the world that can feel so inviolable. Small things can do this too, of course, but it takes longer and tends to happen under your nose. Then, there is practical knowledge that alters not just your inventory of facts, but your repertoire of engaging with the world. Just the other day, I learned how to form hooks out of iron rods. Though this seems trivial, these small additions accumulate to make every action so much more deliberate and every interaction so much more meaningful.
Excitingly, and I’m sure you already know this, there is no better way to learn than to teach. Not because you must know the information through and through, per se, but because you must be able to reconfigure it in ways you never would have on your own. In reconfiguring knowledge and lessons—retelling a story you already know—you come to ‘know’ it much more deeply and appreciate it much more intensely. Better yet, you appreciate people and learning as a process in itself.
This brings me to my “tutoring philosophy” (as you so artfully put it!): Every student is unique, a one-of-a-kind reservoir of experiences and habits, and thus needs and deserves a commensurately unique and tailored learning experience.
I’m only 18, but I’ve moved five times—to four different countries (Venezuela, Ukraine, Georgia, and the USA). Lest it be said, I’ve had to learn to adapt to new environments and people! However, growing up, without stability, I learned to revel in adapting itself. I love to learn about new people, different cultures, and how I can fit into them. And, with it all, I love seeing how everything is different, but in so many ways, the same.read more
Advanced Placement Spanish Teachers Assistant
QSI International School of Tbilisi
Aug 2021 - Jun 2022
I worked along side the AP Spanish teacher over the course of two semester. She had the responsibili... ty of teaching beginner Spanish through intermediate Spanish in one single class period. The teacher gave me the responsibility of teaching the AP Spanish curriculum because there was only 1 student, and I had taken the course before and scored a 5. Over the course of the year It was my role to grade and mark assignments as well as go through course material with the student during class time.read more
Spanish Tutor
QSI International School of Tbilisi
Mar 2020 - Oct 2021
When the Covid-19 pandemic first hit and our school transitioned to distance learning I took this as... an opportunity to help my peers who (to not fault of their own) were not learning in the same way that they had been before. My peers would set up times to go over the course work, specific assignments, essays, or readings. This was less structured and more casual due to the circumstances, which allowed me to connect with the students on a personal level, helping me understand how they learn best, and how best I could help them.read more
Writing and Literature - Peer Leader
QSI International School of Tbilisi
Aug 2020 - Jun 2021
I worked along side the teacher and students to serve as a role model for students. My primary role ... was to encourage group work and stimulate an engaging and productive learning environment.read more