Connor Morley

UC Berkeley student passionate about philosophy, mathematics, computers, language, and teaching

Online Spanish tutor

Berkeley, CA

Spanish expertise

In high school, I scored a 6 on the IB Spanish SL exam (we only had so many HL credits we could take, and I chose them for mathematics, English literature, and global politics, all additional subjects...

Teaching preferences

Academic level

College, High School, Middle School, Elementary School


Hi! I'm Connor. I was a student at a four-year engineering college before deciding that I wanted to take a different track of study, which is why I headed-out to California to take credits at several ...


University of California, Berkeley

BA, Cognitive Science and Applied Mathematics

2023 - 2026

Ventura College

2022 - 2023

Colorado School of Mines

Computer science

2021 - 2021


Frontend Web Developer

Phase6 Translation

Jan 2023 - present

I am a frontend web developer for a Japanese publishing and translation company. After taking Elemen...


Ojai Pizza Company

Oct 2022 - present

Dishwashing for a pizzeria is not a glamorous job, but I believe that gaining experience in the serv...

1 lesson

60 min


1 lesson

90 min


5 lessons

60 min each


View all (6)

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