Brenda Castillo

Spanish Tutor

Online Spanish tutor

Guatemala C.A, Guatemala



Spanish expertise

Spanish is my native language and during high school I studied to be a primary school teacher, later I graduated as Pharmaceutical Chemistry, additionally I have two master's degrees related to patien...

Teaching preferences

Academic level

College, High School, Middle School


I live in Guatemala where the climate is excellent where the temperatures are not extreme. I like to study and continue preparing myself, that is why I want to help others achieve goals in the shortes...


Colegio San Marcos

Teacher, Primaria

Universidad de Granada España

Master in pharmaceutical care, Pharmacy

Brigham Young Idaho

Bachelor´s Degree, Applied Health

Universidad de Granada España

Master, Pharmacy

Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Bachelor´s Degree, Pharmacy


Technical Director


2007 - present

Religion Institute Teacher

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Sep 2001 - present

Chief of the section in medicine

Ministerio de Salud Publica

Jan 2010 - Dec 2020

Spanish lessons

1 lesson

30 min


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