Hi! I'm Ania Shah. I'm currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with a minor in Statistics at UC Davis. I went to Cupertino High School in Cupertino, CA. I part... icipated in various activities during my time in high school, such as marching band, Best Buddies, and Interact. I am also heavily involved with Project RISHI here at UC Davis!
I tutor in Biology, English, and Elementary Math - all subjects I find genuine joy in! I have some experience volunteering as a tutor in high school, and find the activity very rewarding because I love sharing my passion for these topics with others. I am proficient in all these subjects, as I am pursuing many of them in my higher education and have performed well in them in the past.
I understand that academics can come with a lot of challenges, and aim to explain the subjects I tutor easy to understand for my students. I want to tailor each and every lesson to the student's convenience, so that they can get the most out of our time together!read more