Hey! If you're reading this, I bet you're looking for a tutor. Well, you found one and he's excited to get to know you! My name is Alton Burkholder, but you can call me Al.
I got my degree in comput... er science with a specialty in artificial intelligence in 2023. I love to cook, write, play video games, listen to music, sing, go to the theater, and code. I also draw on occasion, but trust me, there's a reason I'm not teaching drawing classes...
I love to teach for a few reasons. Helping people learn is very rewarding and challenging too. The pinnacle of knowledge around a subject is being able to teach someone else that subject. Education is the backbone of a healthy and happy life and I'd love for us to both benefit from it!read more
The Ohio State University
Bachelors of Science, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
2018 - 2023
The Ohio State University
Associates of the Arts, Arts and Sciences
2018 - 2021
Business Analyst
May 2023 - present
• Conduct comprehensive testing and quality control on numerous software implementations to identify... bugs, ensure content consistency, and enhance the end-user experience.
• Creating software content to meet the specific needs of clients while helping the company save thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars.
• Engineering review processes and documenting strategies to help future employees review content more easily and save time for the team and the company.
• Analyzing business statistics to assess the value of projects, giving my team concrete results to report to the company.
• Utilize Kanban and project management software to track and organize tasks, contributing to improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness for the team and the company.read more
Head Manager
Padrones Pizza
Aug 2016 - Aug 2020
• Supervised and coordinated a team of 15 employees to foster a productive work environment.
• Engag... ed with approximately 100 customers daily to ensure satisfaction with restaurant services and promptly address any concerns or complaints.
• Addressed customer complaints to ensure they were taken care of well.
• Organize employee schedules to avoid conflicts and fully staff each day to completion.
• Learn the strengths and weaknesses of all 50 of my employees in order to maximize the team’s efficiency.
• Led the hiring process to recruit top talent and maintain service quality standards.
• Implemented corrective actions, including termination, when necessary, to uphold workplace standards and efficiency.read more