Hi! 👋🏻 I’m Jecel Simplicio, a newly graduate. I took the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. I’m from the hospitable country, which is the Philippines.
I’m passionate and delighted t... o share my knowledge to all of those people who needed it by tutoring or teaching them. I can teach English language and if you want a Filipino lesson, I can give that to you. My favorite part of tutoring is getting to know with my tutees and seeing that they are learning and progressing. Learning can be serious but also can be fun. I teach not just to earn but also to help and build a positive relationship with others.
Outside of tutoring, I tutored my younger sister which is 5 years old. I also like editing and managing social media.
If you want me to be your tutor, you can call me Ate Jecel if you’re younger than me or Teacher Jecel. I can’t wait to get started learning with you. ❤️read more