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Good Fit Guarantee

100% satisfaction guaranteed

Lessonpal Good Fit Guarantee has you covered. Try a lesson. If you're not satisfied, we'll issue you credits or refund your unused balance.

Featured Online Tutors' Reviews

Felicia Bond

Flute tutor

My daughter has been taking virtual flute lessons with Felicia on and off for the past year. With Felicia's teaching, my daughter has become one of the strongest flutists in her middle school band. Felicia is also very kind, supportive, and responsive to any messages. She's a great teacher.

Katherine Magee
37 lessons

Cisco Hernandez

Mathematics tutor

Cisco has been a great support and help to our daughter. He is patient, kind and very knowledgeable. Our daughter looks forward to every lesson. He makes the lessons easier to understand. And she feels more confident. Cisco keeps us posted, gives us tips and even went above and beyond to engage with h... read more

Jasmina Zaric
77 lessons

Freya Aurora

English tutor

Mrs Freya is such a great tutor. We are fortunate to have her to tutor reading and writing for my son. She is so nice with young kids and always patient and kind. She came prepared for her lessons and tried to make every session fun. My son has made great progress not only in ELA but also in communica... read more

Xia Wang
70 lessons

Carine Zreik

Mathematics tutor

Carine is a great tutor. My daughter was failing math and testing 2 grades below her current grade level. She is now getting higher test scores than most of her classmates. I am very grateful for her patience and clear education when tutoring my child.

Natasha Fuller
16 lessons

John Louise Emlano

Mathematics tutor

I am so very grateful and impressed with John's knowledge and way of teaching. I tend to over think and he is so very patient, and well prepared for each lesson. I was having so much anxiety before starting with Lesson Pal. I feel like I am going to pass Statistics . I will continue to utilize John's ... read more

Anita Boyd
15 lessons

Olumide Sonuga

English Grammar tutor

When I told my son that I planned on signing him up for tutoring services, he was very hesitant. After his first session with Olumide, he is already asking if I can schedule more sessions. Olumide was kind and patient with my son who is very shy. He explained the work to him and made sure that he knew... read more

Kimberly H
9 lessons

Montserrat Gomez

Mathematics tutor

Montserrat is an amazing tutor!! She is very kind, patient, and has vast knowledge, and understanding of all the math lessons my daughter has needed help with!! She works with your child until they understand the math concepts! We love her tutoring and highly recommend her!

Yvonne Lopez
5 lessons

Alberto Restano

Guitar tutor

My 4-year-old son enjoys working with Alberto! Aside from him sharing a common interest in soccer with my boy, he is very patient and kind. Alberto tries his best to adjust each session based on the needs of his student. My son is not simply learning how to play the piano and guitar, he’s having fun p... read more

Wilza Aryeetey
4 lessons

Alexandra Rasales

Spanish tutor

Alexandra is one of the best teachers with which I have worked. She is knowledgeable and is extremely skilled at adapting lessons to my level of ability. I have absorbed a lot in only a few sessions and am able to speak basic Spanish. Alexandra is fun, very organized, and puts a lot of energy and effo... read more

Jonathan Cox
11 lessons

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