Hi! My name is Sophia. I am from the United States, but currently in Spain teaching English to primary students in the public school system. Back home, I am a certified IMX pilates instructor and have... been instructing people of all ages for about 2 years now.
I developed a love for teaching people and plan to make a long-time career out of it. I love watching people learn a new language and develop exponentially conversation-wise. The past 2 years of my life have been dedicated to helping others, whether it is assisting them while they learn about their mind(English) or body(Pilates). Learning about things that interest you is the best way to learn a new language. I want to help you stay engaged by creating fun and enticing conversation. Let's have fun with it while we explore new vocabulary and formulate sentences verbally. I am a sucker for a good game and challenge you to a game of categories!
I graduated from Bellarmine University with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a minor in Biology. I plan on going back to university once I finish the school year in Spain. I have a love for learning and can't wait to become a Professor in the future. Reach out if you have any questions, I look forward to working with you!read more