Taylon Fischer


Online Elementary Math tutor

Highland, CA

Elementary Math expertise

Graduated a Master's program with a 4.0 GPA in Education: Learning and Teaching with an emphasis on Elementary Education. 6+ years of experience assisting students in 1st-5th grade classrooms.

Teaching preferences

Academic level

Elementary School


Hey my name is Taylon and here's a little bit about me. Reason for tutoring: I have always found an extreme amount of joy in helping someone do something that they previously thought they would never...


University of Redlands

Education: Learning and Teaching

University of La Verne

Educational Studies

Crafton Hills College

Social Science


Fulfillment Associate


Aug 2022 - Apr 2023

Operated heavy machinery, managed inventory, and catalyzed the improvement of operations by conducti...

Teacher's Aide


Aug 2014 - Jun 2021

Created plans and achieved goals while under time and budget constraints while also managing student...

Golf Cart Attendant

Arrowhead Country Club

Jul 2015 - Aug 2017

Provided customer service for up to 72 people, maintained a clean and organized workspace, trained a...


Redlands Baseball/Softball for Youth

Jun 2013 - Jul 2015

Made judgment calls and stuck with them, enforced rules, and handled the disciplinary actions for 40...

Elementary Math lessons

1 lesson

60 min


3 lessons

60 min each


5 lessons

60 min each


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Taylon Fischer