Hiya, my name is Ricky! I'm an almost-done senior at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and in addition to my love of history, I do happen to enjoy other things too!
I gre... w up in Northern Virginia, and have loved history for as long as I can remember-- as a kid, I wanted to to grow up to be Indiana Jones because I thought he was a historian instead of an archeologist. (I am in fact still waiting on the cool hat.) I am a lover of trivia of all kinds, be it history, geography, politics, art, music, movies, TV, pop culture, you name it. During high school, I spent a lot of my time doing theatre, which instilled in me a lifelong love of performance, and in college, I was the captain of my university's improvisational comedy team for two years, an endeavor I absolutely adored. Improv not only gave me a love for comedy (a fact which I hope is somewhat evident in my writing), coaching my team furthered my passion for building community and also for mentoring and growing alongside your students.
Don't be fooled by my love of trivia about facts and places and dates--those things are important, sure, but I feel like that's one of the biggest things about history that turns people away. My approach towards tutoring is more about understanding the reasons why things happened, much more than exactly when. I want to help instill students with confidence about history, and I believe that strict adherence to dates is something that can feel very daunting. By understanding causes, effects, factors, I find its much easier to try to attach dates to things, and more importantly understand historical concepts much more easily.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions, and I very much look forward to working with you, and helping you learn more about our past and the world we live in today!read more