Hello! I'm Massimo. I recently graduated from Middlebury College where I studied music, anthropology, and Italian. My hobbies are running, swimming, and playing the upright bass.
Learning the Italian... language has been important for my personal and academic growth, and I cherish the opportunity to help others with such language skills.read more
Kitchen Assistant
American Flatbread - Middlebury Hearth
Jun 2021 - May 2022
●Baked pizzas in a large, wood-fired oven.
● Assisted in back-of-house kitchen prep.
●Worked with ... ingredients that are bought locally, regionally, and from sustainable companies.
● Upheld American Flatbreads mission of “providing good, flavorful, nutritious food that gives both joy and
health, and to share this food with others in ways sustainable to all.”read more
Teaching Assistant - Culinary History of Italy (ITAL 1003)
Middlebury College
Jan 2022 - Feb 2022
●Read 15-25 reading responses each day of the week for the month of January.
●Met twice each week w... ith Prof. Ilaria Brancoli-Busdraghi to discuss the student’s progress in the course and
ideas for course material.
●Compiled information from daily reading responses into a half-page document for the professor to use to
schedule lesson plans.
●Provided feedback on student’s responses to help generate ideas for in-class discussion.read more
Primary Station Crew
Big Heavy World
Jun 2021 - Aug 2021
● Assisted managing local, non-profit, low-power radio station, “105.9 FM The Radiator.”
● Helped p... romote local Vermont musicians and DJs by uploading new songs, albums, and shows onto the
●Wrote articles on Vermont-based musicians, bands, and events.
●Set up audio equipment for weekly live broadcasts in Big Heavy World studio.
● Upheld Big Heavy World’s mission statement: “Big Heavy World is established to preserve the historical
record of music originating in Vermont; to create economic opportunity for Vermont’s musicians and the
industries vital to them; to develop community among Vermont musicians and their patrons; and to
accomplish this mission in a substance-free environment that empowers and educates youth.read more
Middlebury Music United
Sep 2020 - May 2021
●Facilitated online meetings with club members.
●Tracked budget and expenses.
● Assisted in decisi... on-making regarding club purchases and event planning.read more
Nocturne Arts Festival Organizer
Middlebury College
Jan 2021 - May 2021
● Assisted in organizing the largest annual all-arts festival at Middlebury College.
● Attended mai... n stage station to ensure the health and safety of all participants and audience members.
●Publicized event.
●Reached out to faculty and staff to assist with festival.read more
Music Office Assistant
Middlebury College
Feb 2019 - May 2021
●Set up audio equipment prior to each rehearsal/class.
●Recorded Sound Investment Jazz Ensemble reh... earsals and Performing Jazz classes.
●Mixed recordings in audio software and sent them to members of the jazz band and class to help streamline
future rehearsals.
● Analyzed recordings and provided notes for improvement.
●Publicized posters for music events on campus.read more
Visitor Services
Middlebury College Museum of Art
Jun 2020 - Jul 2020
● Designed a pledge card and an access card to be displayed at the front desk of the Middlebury Muse... um.
● Developed skills of exhibition design, grant writing, accessibility work, networking, resume building, and
knowledge of cultural institutions.
●Focused on and discussed questions of accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion in museums.read more
Italian Research Assistant
Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism
Sep 2020 - Dec 2020
●Translated culturally sensitive documents from Italian into English.
●Compiled examples of extremi... st speech from Italian social media communities.
●Identified extremist terms, slang, and ideologies that are prevalent in Italy and Italian-speaking communities
●Worked closely with the Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism (CTEC) at the Middlebury
Institute of International Studies in Monterey, as well as with a Middlebury language professor.
●Compiled translations and research deliverables for Spectrum Labs, a startup AI company in San Francisco.read more
Swim Instructor and Lifeguard
Moorhead Parks and Recreation
Jun 2017 - Aug 2018
●Taught children aged 1-12 proper techniques for safe swimming.
●Trained in Red Cross CPR and lifeg... uard techniques.
●Ensured patron safety.read more
YMCA Fercho Branch
Jun 2016 - Jan 2018
●Trained in Red Cross CPR and lifeguard techniques.
●Ensured patron safety.
● Attended monthly ses... sions to stay up to date on regulation specific to the YMCA facility.read more