Hi! I'm Kassie I am a student at Carthage College. I am a double major in Art History and History and a double minor in French and English.
I am a creative soul with passions for crafting and photog... raphy. I love researching history, it doesn't matter where or what period I will find something that snatches me up and there's no coming back.
I am super passionate about History and Language and have always found myself in a position to help people in a way that professors could not. I love the look on people's faces when the thing I'm helping them with clicks and all of a sudden the door opens and all of the words come rushing out. I find it a beautiful thing.
When tutoring, my goal is just to help the student understand, comprehend, and be able to use what they learned in the next task at hand.
I believe that History and Language are something that can and/ do change the world and raise the youth of this world, I know they raised me, and I just want to be a part of making that happen. I don't need to make you have a passion, I just want you to understand what you are studying.read more