Kaitlyn Davis

Singer, performer, pianist

Online Songwriting, Piano, and Singing tutor

New York, NY

Songwriting expertise

Hi there! I am a professional singer and overall performer, and have been writing music for 20 years! I hold a Masters Degree in Opera, and a Bachelors Degree in Music education- so my knowledge of vo...

Teaching preferences


12 - under, 13 - 17, 18 - 22, 23+

Proficiency level



Hi! I'm Kaitlyn, and I'm a singer/musician from New York. I've been performing in professional musical theatre for over a decade, and I have a masters degree in opera. I'm very passionate about making...


Rutgers University

Masters of Music, Opera

2013 - 2015

Hofstra University

Bachelor of Science, Music Education

2008 - 2012

Usually responds in 7 hours

1 lesson

30 min


1 lesson

60 min


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Kaitlyn Davis