Kaitlyn Bassingthwaite

College student, majoring in education

Online Chemistry and Algebra 1 tutor

Athens, OH

Chemistry expertise

I am currently in college majoring in Integrated science education with hopes to be a high school science teacher! I have also loved and been very interested by all types of science and loving teachin...

Teaching preferences


12 - under, 13 - 17

Proficiency level

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Hi! I'm Kaitlyn Bassingthwaite and I attend college at Ohio University! I have always had a passion for helping people whenever I can. I often find myself teaching my friends school lessons in a way t...


Ohio University

Bachelor of Science in Education, Integrated Science Education

2023 - 2027

6 lessons

30 min each


8 lessons

30 min each


6 lessons

60 min each


View all (4)

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Kaitlyn Bassingthwaite