Greetings, all! My name is Juniper Amar Mercury. As of January 2024, I am an undergraduate junior pursuing an entrepreneurship major with a Japanese minor. I'm not just interested in those, however; I... am also interested in music, magical girls, poetry, video games, and copious amount of YouTube.
I'm not sure if this counts as tutoring, but I've apparently tutored high school students in high school (according to my mom), and I have tutored my little sister as a part-time job for about a year and a half. I also did graphic design tutoring for only a few months, but it didn't last as long as I'd like it to last. However, through these experiences I've had, I've met people of varying ages that are still relatively beginners. Sitting (or facing the camera) with them felt like I was refreshing my skills and relearning the points I gained from teaching myself, or getting taught.
So, whether you're already acquainted with how to use Hiragana, or just learning what the G major scale is, I am here to help!
So, shall we learn together?read more