I am an undercover spy for the FBI.
I have used my cover as a violin/viola/music theory teacher since I was 15 years old. Luckily, I have enough background in music to create a believable facade. I b... egan playing violin at the age of 5 picked up the viola when I was 14. I use the skills I learned in music to assist my career in espionage: hard work, perseverance, flexibility, listening, performing, focus, acting and character interpretation, just to name a few. The FBI manufactured a Bachelor of Music Degree from Western Oregon University to hang on my wall so that no one would suspect my involvement with the government. I have been able to smokescreen my surveillance assignments in New York as trips to perform at Carnegie Hall with my students and the Siskiyou Violins in 2005, 2012 and again in 2019.
On the other side of the world I pose as an author for work. I just finished my first violin book for children. It is a 95 page, color illustration workbook complete with stickers and activities. I'm very proud of it and my current students adore it.read more
Western Oregon University
Bachelor of Music , Contemporary Music
2000 - 2002
Shasta College, Redding CA
Associates of Arts Degree in Music Performance, Music Performance
1998 - 2000
Violin/Viola/Music Theory Teacher
Private Studio
Sep 1994 - present
I teach the most amazing, attention grabbing music lessons that are fun for my students and for myse... lf!read more
Associate Director
Siskiyou Violins
Sep 2005 - Sep 2022
Nationally recognized, award-winning violin ensemble