My name is Aaron and I live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. As your private writing instructor, I will bring out the best in each student. As a published writer in prestigious literary magazines, I will pu... sh your abilities as far as you’re willing to go, from basic proficiency to the most advanced, nuanced compositions. If you are an advanced writer, I will help you become even more advanced—regardless of what kind of writing you’re doing, from essays to fiction. I have a Master’s degree in English with a concentration in creative writing and have been published in award winning magazines such as North American Review, Wisconsin Review, Litro (in the UK), and a dozen others. I have also been a teacher for four years and a tutor/assistant director at a nationwide learning center.
Neither too critical nor too accepting, I will adjust my criticism based upon the skill level of the student I’m teaching. Having the right teacher can greatly accelerate a writer’s progress, and conversely: the wrong teacher can greatly hinder or impede a student’s progress. While I cannot alter the natural predispositions or limitations of any given student, I can help each student realize his or her fullest potential, bringing to the surface hidden strengths as well as refining obvious ones, and of course eliminating and minimizing weaknesses in any given piece of writing. I look forward to working with you!read more