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Ready to plunge into the mesmerizing world of creative writing as a high school student Whether you're a skilled wordsmith or just beginning your literary expedition, understanding the essentials of this craft is essential.Creative writing is an art of self-expression, providing a means to communicate your emotions, ideas, and thoughts in an imaginative style. It offers a healing experience to explore the world and innermost thoughts. Nevertheless, writing creatively can be difficult, especially if you are a novice. Being a competent, creative writer requires practice, intention, and enthusiasm.In this post, we will provide a few valuable tips and writing advice that will help you while crafting content that grabs attention and motivates your readers.

Do's: Techniques and approaches creative writers should use

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]

A woman thinking about her creative writing.

Image by Freepik[/caption]As a creative writer, various approaches and methods can be employed to make your writing more effective and powerful.

Practice some free writing

Allocating a specific period for free writing can be highly beneficial in stimulating creativity and producing fresh ideas. This type of writing requires no judgments or corrections, only the freedom to express thoughts unencumbered.

Write every day

Developing and honing your creative writing skills requires a consistent, dedicated approach. Practicing regularly will help you track your progress and refine your craft.

Read and learn from different sources

To further enhance your writing abilities, reading extensively across different genres and styles is recommended. Every book can be seen as a valuable lesson in language, storytelling, tonality, word selection, and other techniques.

Rely on compelling imagery

Imagery is an effective technique for stimulating emotion and creating a vivid visual for the reader. Using descriptive words that appeal to the senses, writers can effectively evoke a scene for their audience.

Use the technique "Show, don't tell"

A successful creative writer works to create a positive image that enables the reader to visualize the narrative. Rather than simply informing the reader of what is happening, use descriptive details to demonstrate it.

Seek feedback

Gain feedback and constructive criticism on your writing by sharing it with others. Doing so will help you hone your skills and bolster your self-assurance.

Don'ts: Common mistakes to avoid in creative writing

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]

A student writing about creative topics

Image by storyset on Freepik[/caption]To craft successful creative writing, it is essential to be aware of the common mistakes that should be avoided.

Writing in too many different directions

Writing in bulk without focusing on one message is a misguided approach. It's better to hone in on one theme and communicate it effectively rather than attempting to cover too many topics simultaneously.


To prevent readers from feeling overwhelmed, avoiding providing too much explanation or background information is best. Instead, gradually reveal details by integrating them into dialogue and behavior within the story.

Grammar and punctuation errors

It is essential to thoroughly review your work before submission, as any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors can distract readers and weaken the quality of your writing.

Overuse of adverbs and adjectives

To effectively craft your prose, it is essential to use descriptive language; however, be mindful of using too many adjectives and adverbs, as this can detract from the writing. Utilize precise and vivid language instead for maximum impact.

Inconsistent character traits

Ensuring that your characters remain consistent in their behavior and actions is essential. Be sure to give them a valid reason for any changes in personality or motivations.

Poor or inconsistent pacing

It is important to balance intense moments and more reflective scenes to maintain an engaging story. If the pacing is too fast, the characters and plot may not be fully explored, resulting in disengaged readers. Conversely, readers will likely lose interest if the pace is too slow.

Writing clichés

Writing with clichés and overused phrases can make your work uninteresting and predictable. Avoid expressions that are too common and go for something new and exciting that can grab your readers' attention.

Examples of successful creative writing

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]

Creative writing opens doors.

Image by Freepik[/caption]There are many examples of successful creative writing in the vast legion of English literature. Some of them are:

  • J.R.R. Tolkien's iconic "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy crafted an imaginative realm with captivating characters, majestic settings, and unique cultures.
  • C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia" have enthralled readers worldwide for decades, weaving together Christian themes with an enchanting and captivating narrative.
  • George Orwell's novel "1984" is a remarkable work of art that paints a vivid and chilling image of a future society that has perfected the art of controlling and manipulating its citizens.
  • An influential and acclaimed poem, "The Hill We Climb," was composed and performed by Amanda Gorman at the inauguration of President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021. This poem carries a profound message of hope, unity, and resilience in the face of adversity while addressing themes of social justice, democracy, and the pursuit of a better future. Gorman's poetic words and compelling delivery have reached and touched people worldwide, exemplifying successful creative writing that evokes emotion and encourages action.

The big picture

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]

A student reading on top of a stack of books.

Image by Freepik[/caption]Creative writing is an important skill to develop and hone, and with the right tips and writing advice, you can make the most of your skills. By avoiding common mistakes and staying focused on your creative writing goals, you can create pieces of writing that stand out from the crowd. Committed and dedicated, you can use your creative writing skills to create something unique and special.At Lessonpal, our experienced tutors provide cost-effective assistance to help you master the basics of being an excellent creative writer. If you'd like to know more about the dos and don'ts of creative writing, our online instructors can provide expert advice and solutions. Connect with us now and make essay and creative writing a breeze!

Frequently asked questions

Some frequently asked questions about the dos and don'ts of creative writing include the following:

How do I become an excellent writer if I am not that creative

Familiarise yourself with different forms of literature by reading extensively. Even if it's only for a short period each day, maintain a regular writing schedule to cultivate a habit and gradually enhance your skills. Try free writing and brainstorming to ignite your imagination and invigorate your creative thinking.

How do you "show, not tell" in creative writing

In creative writing, "showing rather than telling" can be effectively achieved by using descriptive language and evoking the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to demonstrate your narrative's feelings, activities, and locations. Instead of simply telling the reader that a character is sad, show them by describing their body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.

Why do some people love reading and hate creative writing

Reading can be a source of joy for many, but creative writing can present a challenge for various reasons. Creating original ideas and content can be daunting for some, while others may find the writing process difficult or tedious. Additionally, sharing one's creative work can be intimidating, leaving one open to criticism or even rejection.

Ready to plunge into the mesmerizing world of creative writing as a high school student Whether you're a skilled wordsmith or just beginning your literary expedition, understanding the essentials of this craft is essential.Creative writing is an art of self-expression, providing a means to communicate your emotions, ideas, and thoughts in an imaginative style. It offers a healing experience to explore the world and innermost thoughts. Nevertheless, writing creatively can be difficult, especially if you are a novice. Being a competent, creative writer requires practice, intention, and enthusiasm.In this post, we will provide a few valuable tips and writing advice that will help you while crafting content that grabs attention and motivates your readers.

Do's: Techniques and approaches creative writers should use

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]

A woman thinking about her creative writing.

Image by Freepik[/caption]As a creative writer, various approaches and methods can be employed to make your writing more effective and powerful.

Practice some free writing

Allocating a specific period for free writing can be highly beneficial in stimulating creativity and producing fresh ideas. This type of writing requires no judgments or corrections, only the freedom to express thoughts unencumbered.

Write every day

Developing and honing your creative writing skills requires a consistent, dedicated approach. Practicing regularly will help you track your progress and refine your craft.

Read and learn from different sources

To further enhance your writing abilities, reading extensively across different genres and styles is recommended. Every book can be seen as a valuable lesson in language, storytelling, tonality, word selection, and other techniques.

Rely on compelling imagery

Imagery is an effective technique for stimulating emotion and creating a vivid visual for the reader. Using descriptive words that appeal to the senses, writers can effectively evoke a scene for their audience.

Use the technique "Show, don't tell"

A successful creative writer works to create a positive image that enables the reader to visualize the narrative. Rather than simply informing the reader of what is happening, use descriptive details to demonstrate it.

Seek feedback

Gain feedback and constructive criticism on your writing by sharing it with others. Doing so will help you hone your skills and bolster your self-assurance.

Don'ts: Common mistakes to avoid in creative writing

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]

A student writing about creative topics

Image by storyset on Freepik[/caption]To craft successful creative writing, it is essential to be aware of the common mistakes that should be avoided.

Writing in too many different directions

Writing in bulk without focusing on one message is a misguided approach. It's better to hone in on one theme and communicate it effectively rather than attempting to cover too many topics simultaneously.


To prevent readers from feeling overwhelmed, avoiding providing too much explanation or background information is best. Instead, gradually reveal details by integrating them into dialogue and behavior within the story.

Grammar and punctuation errors

It is essential to thoroughly review your work before submission, as any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors can distract readers and weaken the quality of your writing.

Overuse of adverbs and adjectives

To effectively craft your prose, it is essential to use descriptive language; however, be mindful of using too many adjectives and adverbs, as this can detract from the writing. Utilize precise and vivid language instead for maximum impact.

Inconsistent character traits

Ensuring that your characters remain consistent in their behavior and actions is essential. Be sure to give them a valid reason for any changes in personality or motivations.

Poor or inconsistent pacing

It is important to balance intense moments and more reflective scenes to maintain an engaging story. If the pacing is too fast, the characters and plot may not be fully explored, resulting in disengaged readers. Conversely, readers will likely lose interest if the pace is too slow.

Writing clichés

Writing with clichés and overused phrases can make your work uninteresting and predictable. Avoid expressions that are too common and go for something new and exciting that can grab your readers' attention.

Examples of successful creative writing

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]

Creative writing opens doors.

Image by Freepik[/caption]There are many examples of successful creative writing in the vast legion of English literature. Some of them are:

  • J.R.R. Tolkien's iconic "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy crafted an imaginative realm with captivating characters, majestic settings, and unique cultures.
  • C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia" have enthralled readers worldwide for decades, weaving together Christian themes with an enchanting and captivating narrative.
  • George Orwell's novel "1984" is a remarkable work of art that paints a vivid and chilling image of a future society that has perfected the art of controlling and manipulating its citizens.
  • An influential and acclaimed poem, "The Hill We Climb," was composed and performed by Amanda Gorman at the inauguration of President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021. This poem carries a profound message of hope, unity, and resilience in the face of adversity while addressing themes of social justice, democracy, and the pursuit of a better future. Gorman's poetic words and compelling delivery have reached and touched people worldwide, exemplifying successful creative writing that evokes emotion and encourages action.

The big picture

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]

A student reading on top of a stack of books.

Image by Freepik[/caption]Creative writing is an important skill to develop and hone, and with the right tips and writing advice, you can make the most of your skills. By avoiding common mistakes and staying focused on your creative writing goals, you can create pieces of writing that stand out from the crowd. Committed and dedicated, you can use your creative writing skills to create something unique and special.At Lessonpal, our experienced tutors provide cost-effective assistance to help you master the basics of being an excellent creative writer. If you'd like to know more about the dos and don'ts of creative writing, our online instructors can provide expert advice and solutions. Connect with us now and make essay and creative writing a breeze!

Frequently asked questions

Some frequently asked questions about the dos and don'ts of creative writing include the following:

How do I become an excellent writer if I am not that creative

Familiarise yourself with different forms of literature by reading extensively. Even if it's only for a short period each day, maintain a regular writing schedule to cultivate a habit and gradually enhance your skills. Try free writing and brainstorming to ignite your imagination and invigorate your creative thinking.

How do you "show, not tell" in creative writing

In creative writing, "showing rather than telling" can be effectively achieved by using descriptive language and evoking the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to demonstrate your narrative's feelings, activities, and locations. Instead of simply telling the reader that a character is sad, show them by describing their body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.

Why do some people love reading and hate creative writing

Reading can be a source of joy for many, but creative writing can present a challenge for various reasons. Creating original ideas and content can be daunting for some, while others may find the writing process difficult or tedious. Additionally, sharing one's creative work can be intimidating, leaving one open to criticism or even rejection.

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