Hi! I'm Bettina and I was born and raised in Brazil until coming to the United States six years ago. I am currently attending Claremont Mckenna College where I am dual majoring in International Relati... ons and Literature.
I have been tutoring far before any formal guidance to do so– In high school, I'd revise my classmates' essays: anything ranging from English papers to their college admissions essays. I am also a tennis coach, and will never forget the joy that is watching students grow and thrive under the techniques I was able to teach them.
I understand that reading and writing is not for everyone, but I have been taught in quite an unorthodox way. My passion stems from teachers that have encouraged to look at Literature and writing from all aspects of the world, be it music, art, and even sports. Under their guidance, I am inspired to move forward and build confidence in these subjects in a way that works for each individual student.read more
Tennis Coach
Ross School Tennis Academy
Jul 2022 - Aug 2022
Directed and trained ten youth tennis players ages 8-10 who went on to play in USTA Eastern tourname... nts. Implemented training exercises and drills with a focus on technique and future match-playread more
Senior Editor
Ross School Student Newsletter
Dec 2020 - Apr 2022
Assigned articles to writers and revised the team’s articles by correcting grammar and embellishing ... syntax. Recruited writers and artists for opinion articles and artist showcases in the monthly publications of the newsletter. Designed the physical and digital copies of the student newsletter, formatting articles and graphics through Canvaread more
Summer Intern
Lemann Foundation
Jun 2021 - Sep 2021
Collaborated in weekly meetings discussing engagement with political sectors in Brazil and enlisted ... potential partner industries in São Paulo that sought to promote diversity in Brazil’s workspaces. Marketed ten “Stories of the Team” by developing individual worker entries to be published on social media platforms such as Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitterread more
The Retreat
Teen Leadership Council
Dec 2020 - Jun 2021
Communicated with 30 teenage counselors on spreading the promotion of healthy relationships across s... ix schools in Suffolk County. Conducted training on the identification and intervention of domestic and relationship abuseread more