Tony CamposSuqian, Jiangsu, ChinaKnowledge Seeder
I have been involved with computer hardare and code since the mid 1980's and was fascinated by how fast computing trends were changing and continue doing so to this day. I made a point learning languages such C, C++ in the early days, then internet took over the world and became involved in learning Java since intrisicly connected to web applications such a browser that can run locally on a machine.
Furthermore, my long teaching experience in both machine languages and human languages in the U.S., the Americas, and in Asia qualify me an expert in teaching them; my long carrer in teaching expands at least three decades.
My long strech of teaching human languages go back since the late 80's workimg with the DLI and Hondura's Arm forces where I taugh cadets ages ranging form 17 to 20 years old. Fast forward, while living in NYC, I was hired by different institutions where I taugh ESL and spanish, to thousands of young and adult students for 20 years.
While living in China for the last almost ten years, I have been involved in teaching HS students years 10-12; subjects such academic english, spanish, culture studies, C++, java, pyhton, processing, and robotics.
Needless to say, I love teaching!