Daniel MathieuAbuja (F.c.t.), NigeriaHonor-Roll Student with Tutoring Experience in French Language.
I have more than 4 years teaching experiences with 3 recommendations. Firstly from Compass Tutoring Team, Canada; secondly, The Afghan Women Center of Montréal, Canada and thirdly,The Elshadai Evening Comprehensive School, Nigeria.
I'm also a member of Princeton Cooperative Canada. Presently, I'm a teacher and tutor at Naijatutorskonnect US/Canada, Upskill tutoring Team Us/Canada.
I would describe my lessons and teaching styles as highly adaptable. I do not really prefer one teaching method, or one way of interacting with the students in the classroom environment. Because in my opinion, each class is different, so is each lesson, and a good teacher should always adjust their teaching to their audience, the level of discipline in the class, the difficulty of the lesson, and so on. I simply prefer individual approach to teaching, and I alternate between being an authority, demonstrator, facilitator, and delegator. So far it has been working great, so I have no reason to doubt the effectiveness of my teaching style.