Sahand MahmwdSulaymaniyah, IraqUniversity Of Raparin, English Education and Literature.
I have majored in English Education and literature. I perform exceptionally across most subjects, including; reading and writing, listening and speaking, morphology, phonology, phonetics, syntax, general literature ( poetry, drama, novel, etc. Included) general psychology, education psychology, and developmental psychology. My superiors recognised my pronunciation and speaking skills, as I was handpicked for leading a group of 5 students in their struggle for a better grade, not such that, I was also a group leader of 4 students in academic and essay writing. Furthermore, I have excellent rates in translation from L1 to L2 and vice versa. Not to mention I have a decent knowledge of Greek and Latin language and culture, which is helpful in case a student asks for the Etymology of the word. I am proud of my achievement in pronunciation and speaking field, as although I am not a native speaker I get praise for how fluent I am.