Emily ArmstrongPalmetto, FLLoving English and Grammar Tutor
I grew up as a gifted student in elementary school, my strong subject being English. As I progressed through my schooling, I took Cambridge English classes throughouthout my middle school years. I am sixteen years old, which means I am still enrolled in high school, but I have completed all of my English classes for all of my high school years. I am now taking extracurricular English classes. One of my favorites is creative writing. I have practiced and studied analyzing texts, writing short stories, story planning, correct grammar usage, and creative writing.
I have always been quick to correct someone when it comes to spelling, yet, I know how difficult it can be when it comes to this topic. My adopted sister comes from Germany. Her first language is German, so English was difficult for her at first. I was able to assist her in her troubles and become the best she can be and more.
I now tutor elementary and middle school children at a local Boys and Girls Club as volunteer work. I also tutor my sister when she needs her assistance with English. I assist the kids with their homework or any issues they may have with English and Grammar topics. Some of the most common topics I come across are tenses, nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, punctuation, and prepositions.