My name is Tony,
Just finished my Masters in Plasma- and Spaceflight Physics in Germany. I have a Bachelors degree in Physics from the University of Washington. I am an expert in Physics, Mathematics... and Astronomy, fluent in German, and love to teach others.
I'm quick to learn your strengths and weaknesses and create a plan to understand not only the solution but the process of acquiring the correct path towards a solution. The solution needs to make sense but so does getting there and just finding where to start. I'll help teach you how to not stray off this path! I'm not interested in completing someone's homework for them! I am here to guide you on track and develop your own problem solving methods, and therefore independence with your coursework!
I have begun Tutoring to help others learn to love the sciences, or at least remove some of the fear associated with it. I also strive to keep myself sharp in mathematics and will probably smile the whole time.
I was a Tutor at Bellingham Technical Collage in 2018. Other experiences thus far consist of volunteering at Garfield High School in Seattle doing Physics demonstrations and private lessons on campus throughout my education.
Unrelated to tutoring:
I am an avid skier, climber, cook, and adventurer. I find it important to help me cope with the work load that comes along with deeply studying the sciences.read more
Private lessons
Sep 2017 - present
Private lessons online and in person at the university, highschools, and around the world online!
Bellingham Technical College
Aug 2018 - Mar 2019
Volunteer - Physics demonstrations
Garfield Highschool
Sep 2016 - Jul 2017
We performed physics demonstrations and tried to get kids interested in science in general