Sejoon Jun

Ivy-League Student, Biochemistry TA, Microbiology head TA, Research Assistant

Online Biology, Chemistry, and Biochemistry tutor

Ithaca, NY

4.9 (2 reviews)

Biology expertise

I have over 7 years of experience in Biology. As a current undergraduate at Cornell University majoring in Human Biology, I have taken all of the introductory and higher level biology courses that Cor...

Teaching preferences

Academic level

College, High School, Middle School, Elementary School


Greetings! My name is Sejoon Jun and I am a current undergraduate student at Cornell University. I currently reside in Long Island, NY, but am at Ithaca for most of the months due to school. I major i...


Cornell University

Bachelor of Science , Human Biology, Health, and Society

2019 - 2023

Rock Bridge High School

High School Diploma, N/A

2015 - 2019


Biochemistry Teaching Assistant

Cornell University

Jan 2022 - present

BIOMG 3300 Teaching Assistant. Assist in grading written quizzes, giving oral quizzes, and proctorin...

Microbiology Teaching Assistant Leader

Cornell University

Aug 2021 - present

As a current teaching assistant leader for microbiology, I look over the new and incoming teaching a...

Self-employed international tutor


Dec 2020 - Jan 2022

Assisted in tutoring international students worldwide, especially immigrants from South Korea. As a ...

SAT/ACT tutor

Apr 2019 - Sep 2019

Tutored high school students on the ACT and SAT online.

4.9 (2 reviews)

  • Doyeon Kim



  • I highly recommend Sejoon as a tutor for any science topic. He has helped me with both biology and chemistry for the past 6 months now. Sejoon is probably the most knowledgable individual I have met since my time as a high school student, and he has taken great care of me during our lessons. He is one of the biggest reasons as to how I went from being a B+ average student to an A student in a matter of a few weeks. Even though he might be on the pricier side, he is most definitely worth the money.

    Feb 10, 2022
  • Hui-Shen Chen



  • Sejoon has taught me so many valuable topics about biochemistry. He always tries his best to put my intentions and thoughts first and is able to find my weaknesses immediately. When I first started learning biochemistry at Arizona State University, I was very stuck and had a difficult time comprehending many of the topics. I received poor grades on my quizzes and did poorly on my midterm. After I started taking lessons with Sejoon, he helped me understand biochemistry at a much higher level and I was able to do very well in the course! Before I asked him to tutor me, I was skeptical because he is pretty expensive, especially since he is a college student himself. However, after having him as my tutor for a little less than a year now, I would like everyone to know that he is very well worth the money. I highly recommend everyone to Sejoon.

    Feb 10, 2022

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Sejoon Jun