Hi, I am Doreen! I have been a nontraditional student for many years and have had to learn how to navigate on campus as well as online. I like to garden, crochet, and my passion is finding the truth i... n history. Tutoring provides an opportunity for me to share my academic skills and expertise (I have two bachelor's degrees and one master's degree). It also gives me the chance to share my love of learning and exploring the world around us. I believe that tutoring can be a mutually beneficial relationship based on trust and respect. Failure is often just a temporary obstacle, in the scheme of life. (I had to embrace that undergrad F in pre-calculus, but it meant that after four times of withdrawing, I at least made it entirely through a semester without running from the room screaming!) The next time that instructor was available, I retook the course, and made it through. Now I do not recommend striving for failure, but only NOT to make it the marker you live by. I will do all I am able to ensure my students' success! But it is a TWO WAY STREET!
What makes Me is a lifetime of experiences and faith that tomorrow will be brighter. Life (and learning) can be an enjoyable adventure, if you put on your seat belts and buckle up!read more
State University New York at Fredonia
Master's, Interdisciplinary Studies
State University New York at Fredonia
Bachelor of Arts, English
State University New York at Fredonia
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration/Marketing