Hi, I'm Kayla, a proud nerd from the South that has been fortunate to travel and live abroad, enabling me to absorb many cultures that our incredible world has to offer. I am a Humanities tutor and te... acher of more than seven years, and I specialize in the social sciences, EAL (English as an Additional Language), ELA (English Language Arts), literature studies, and ACT preparation. I also enjoy helping students with their college admissions essays and guiding them towards their futures, whether it is a four or two-year university, technical trade school, or jumping into the work force.
My tutoring philosophy is one of individualization and inquiry. Every student deserves to be seen for who they are, where they are at, and where they are going. By taking the time to evaluate each individual and use questions to guide learning, I feel I can best give each student the best opportunity to succeed.
My free time is spent with my husband and our rescue "furchildren", a tortoiseshell Calico cat named Southpaw and a lionhead rabbit named Sweet Dee, both of whom are medical support animals. As my husband is a music teacher, and I spent my youth being trained in music, I enjoy volunteering with his students in their afterschool activities. I also love to read, listen to music, watch movies, dance, and try new cuisines. I cannot wait to meet you!read more
Humanities Tutor
Paper Education America, Inc.
Aug 2023 - present
• Tutoring students in kindergarten through twelve in the humanities, ACT/SAT prep, and college essa... ys through live chat, using both text and voice functions
• Reviewing essays and papers for holistic and mechanical improvementsread more
Tutor and Mentor
The Sunshine Method
Mar 2023 - present
• Tutoring neurodivergent students and those with medical needs in grades kindergarten through eight... in reading, writing, social sciences, study skills, and time management
• Mentoring students to develop the skills and confidence to move forward with their respective challengesread more
Consultant and Researcher
L&S Howard, LLC
Jul 2020 - present
• Researching the benefits of alternative medicine and writing reports for the firm/clients
• Resear... ching and writing reports on alternative medicine from a cultural, historical, and sociological perspective
• Creating awareness/education campaignsread more
Substitute Teacher
Class Over
Jun 2022 - Oct 2022
• Teaching EAL, English literature, ELA, academic and creative writing, and art history to online st... udents in grades six through twelve
• Curricula development for all subjectsread more
Private Tutor/Homeschool Teacher
Private clients
May 2016 - Jun 2022
• Tutoring/teaching social sciences, ELA, literature, academic and creative writing, fine arts, ACT ... prep, college entrance essays, and EAL for grades six through twelve
• Curricula development for social sciences, ELA, literature, and writing classes
• Tutoring neurodivergent students in-person and online according to their needs
• Tutoring undergraduate college students in social sciences and English literature
• College and career advising for high school and undergraduate college studentsread more