Hey! My name is Jonathan but my music alias is Johnny808. I live currently in Bakersfield California.
My musical journey started way back in 5th grade to when I first picked up the clarinet and cont... inuing being in the school band all the way to college. Unfortunately, I did drop out college because I felt like I didn't belong there. So, I worked some jobs and went through life but I knew I had to keep doing music. After learning what I can on my own and connecting with other music creatives. I seemed to found my niche in music production.
Learning FL Studio was a big game changer in my life. As I kept learning and gaining more experience. I started to post my work online and people were using my work in their beats or songs. This gave me a huge confidence boost and also let me know that this was actually possible. Having collaborated on many songs that have gained millions and millions of streams. It gave me a fulfilling career and life.
My goal is to share the knowledge I learned so that other people can have a head start. I have done the grunt work and years of learning. I know how it feels to take that jump into seriously learning music production. I have been that person that is locked in their room just grinding and feeling alone because your pursing a dream or goal. There really is no right path or schooling because everybody's journey is different. I can help you along your own personalized journey.read more