My name is Tony and I can help you with your toughest computer problems. I recently retired from my job as a computer troubleshooter/fixer/trainer. I am extremely knowledgeable on many areas in the ... computer realm. I have a calm and professional manor when dealing with my students/clients.
I can train you on a computer related subject that is new to you. For instance I can tutor you in the use of QuickBooks or Salesforce. If you are new to a Microsoft operating system (say you are going from 10 to 11) or a word processor or spreadsheet program, I can set up a lesson plan for you.
If you are already using a program and need occasional help with finding your way around or with complex technical issues, I can help with this as well.
I can be of assistance if you are looking to move from one program to another. For instance you are considering moving from Microsoft Word to Google Docs.
Please let me know what you are interested in and I will make the proper arrangements!
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