I received the opportunity from the United States government to become a permanent resident and work in the country within the kinesiology field, considering the recognition on 10 occasions in the Nat... ional Competition for Research in Physical Culture and Sports, by the National Commission for Physical Culture and Sports in Mexico.
Selected as a scholarship holder in academic and research stays financed by:
Visiting Professor at the University of Rome Foro Italico. 2023.
Short-stay research grant from Chilean Ministry of education: University of the Frontier. Chile. 2022.
Visiting Professor at the University Foundation of the Andean Area, Colombia. 2021.
Scholarship from the Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP), University of Jaen, Spain. 2021.
Short-stay research scholarship from the Program for Professional Teacher Development, for the Superior Type (PRODEP). University of Coimbra, Portugal. 2017.
Erasmus Mundos “Programme of Exchange & Cooperation for International Studies between Europe and South America PRECIOSA” University of Coimbra Portugal, 2016.
Santander Scholarship for Young Ibero-American Researchers Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2015.
Carolina Foundation, University of Huelva, Spain. 2014.
Coimbra Group Universities: University of Iasi, Rumania, 2014.
Consortium of Mexican Universities Cumex: University of Geneva, Switzerland. 2012.
National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education. University of Costa Rica. Costa Rica 2011.
Coimbra Group Universities: University of Coimbra Portugal, 2011.
Scholarship from the Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP), University of Huelva. Spain. 2007.read more
University of Huelva and University of Extremadura. Spain.
Doctorate , Physical Activity and Sports
2016 - 2019
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic University. Paraguay.
Doctorate , Sports medicine
2008 - 2012
Autonomous University of Chihuahua. Mexico.
Master , Sports Sciences
2004 - 2006
Autonomous University of Sinaloa. Mexico.
Bachelor , Physical Education
2000 - 2004
Research Professor at the
Faculty of Sports of the Autonomous University of Baja California
Aug 2008 - present
Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in physical education and health area (in different virtual... spaces with synchronic and asynchronous formats). Contribute to curriculum development in various areas in the faculty. Provide community service to the faculty and university through committees. Research in Aging, Physical Education, Fitness for Health, and Physical Activity for people with disabilities, mentoring student in thesis development. Coordinator of the Red Iberoamericana de Investigación sobre el Sedentarismo y Actividad Física en el Ámbito Escolar (RISAFAE), from the Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado AUIP. Coordinator in Mexico of the International Human Motricity Network (IHMN).
Level One Anthropometrist (Technician - Restricted profile), Level Two Anthropometrist (Technician - Full profile), Level Three Anthropometrist (Instructor), by The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK).
Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
Certified Special Population Specialists (CSPS)
Certified Exercise Physiologists (EP) by The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
Basic Life Support (BLS) by the American Heart Association (AHA).read more